Traditional Ecology Management
Bibliography on Traditional Ecology Management & Participatory Forestry
(For further information contact Deep Pandey, PhD on
and Prof. P.S. Ramkrishnan on and
Dubey, S.K. and Deep N. Pandey. 1993. The effect of Afforestation on the abundance and diversity of birds. Afforestation of Arid Lands (Ed.) A. P. Dwivedi and C. N. Gupta. Jodhpur: Scientific Publishers. Pp. 313-320.
Meena R.C.L. and Deep N. Pandey. 1999. Van Kaa Viraat Roop: Use, Abuse and Proper Use of Forests (in Hindi). Udaipur and New Delhi: Himanshu Publishers.
Pandey, Deep N. 1989a. Ethnopharmacology of Kol tribe of Madhya Pradesh. Proceeding National Seminar on Minor Forest Pproduce and Tribal Development. Jabalpur: Institute of Deciduous Forests. 18-20th Oct,1989.
Pandey, Deep N. 1989b. Management of ethnobotanical resources and socio-economic development of the tribes of M.P. Environment. Dehradun: I.G.N.F.A. 8-11.
Pandey, Deep N. 1991a. Diversity and management of Indian tree cavity nesting birds wildlife. Institute of Indian News Letter 6(3-4): 30-32.
Pandey, Deep N. 1991f. Forest and ecology. A Radio Talk from Udaipur Station of All India Radio. 5th Aug,1991.
Pandey, Deep N. 1991g. Green Rajasthan programme 1991. A Radio Talk from Udaipur Station of All India Radio. 4th Oct,1991.
Pandey, Deep N. 1991i. Joint forest management in Rajasthan. Yojana 35(18): 23-29
Pandey, Deep N. 1991j. Participatory management and sustainable use of biodiversity. Yojana 35(23): 11-14.
Pandey, Deep N. 1991k. Supportive state action for joint forest management in Rajasthan. Paper presented in Workshop on Joint Forest Management’ Seva Mandir, Udaipur and Workshop on Role of NGO’s and Community Participation in Forestry Sector. Udaipur: Indian Environmental Society. 21-22 Sep,1991.
Pandey, Deep N. 1992a. Sacred groves of Aravalllis (mimeo). A Report Presented for Govt. of Rajasthan.
Pandey, Deep N. 1992c. Environment and bodiversity. Yojana 36(13):8-12.
Pandey, Deep N. 1992d. Wild Trees of Aravallis. New Delhi: Himanshu Publishers.
Pandey, Deep N. 1992e. Wildlife conservation and economic development. Radio Talk from Udaipur Station of All India Radio. 5th June,1992.
Pandey, Deep N. 1992f. Wildlife, national parks and people. Wastelands News 8 (1): 45-47.
Pandey, Deep N. 1993a. Developing ethnosilvicultural refugia in Southern Aravallis. Wasteland News 8(3):78
Pandey, Deep N. 1993b. Wildlife, protected areas and people in India. Seva Mandir Newsletter 5(8): 27-37.
Pandey, Deep N. 1993d. Participatory forestry: the Eklingpura experience. Down to Earth 2(15): 47.
Pandey, Deep N. 1994. Wildlife, protected areas and people in India. Backgroud paper for Workshop on Issues in Resource Use and Institutional Structures in and around National Parks and Sanctuaries. Centre for Microplanning and Regional Studies, LBS NAA Mussoorie. 6-8th Jan,1994.
Pandey, Deep N. 1995a. Village common fund: experience of Udaipur forest division. Wastelands News 10(1): 57-58.
Pandey, Deep N. 1995b. Parks and peoples: the problem. Seminar 426: 12-14th Feb,1995.
Pandey, Deep N. 1995c. Popular participation for forests and protected area management in India. Wastelands News (Hindi), April-June,1995. Pp. 39-44.
Pandey, Deep N. 1996. Beyond Vanishing Woods: Participatory Survival Options For Wildlife, Forests and People. New Delhi: CSD and Himanshu Publishers.
Pandey, Deep N. 1996a. Participatory forest management in Udaipur. Yojana 40(7): 18-20
Pandey, Deep N. 1996b. Village common fund: an experience of Udaipur forest division. New Voices in Indian Forestry (Ed.) V.S.P Kurup. New Delhi: S.P.W.D. Pp. 288-292.
Pandey, Deep N. 1998. Ethnoforestry: Local Knowledge for Sustainable Forestry and Livelihood Security. New Delhi: Asia Forest Network & Himanshu. Berkeley.
Pandey, Deep N. 1998. Joint Resource Management (in Hindi). New Delhi and Udaipur: Himanshu Publishers.
Pandey, Deep N. 1998. Principle of indispensable virtues. Theme Paper in Workshop on Ethics and Forest Administration, Kota. Feb,1998.
Pandey, Deep N. 1998. Sacred groves, sacred corridors, sacred gardens and temple forests of Rajasthan. Paper presented at National Conference on Conservation of Sacred Groves and Ecological Heritage Sites. Chennai : CPR Environnemental Education Centre. 8-19th March,1998.
Pandey, Deep N. 1999. Forests, ethics and yardsticks: measures of success for sustainable forest management in South Asia. The World Bank/WWF Alliance Workshop on Forest Certification and Verification. Washington D.C. 9-10 Nov,1999.
Pandey, Deep N. 1999. Indigenous Vision for Success and Prosperity. New Delhi and Udaipur: Himanshu Publishers.
Pandey, Deep N. 1999. International network on ethnoforestry for indigenous knowledge on forest management. IIFM Newsletter 2 (3): 3-4.
Pandey, Deep N. 1999. Sacred garden and management of multiple-use forests. IIFM Newsletter, Bhopal.
Pandey, Deep N. and Jeffrey Y. Campbell. 1996d. How far can we stretch the forests? Moving from joint forest protection to joint forest management. Paper presented at the Annual Workshop of the International Association for the Study of Common Property. California, Berkeley.
Pandey, Deep N. and Rajpal Singh. 1991. Paradise of North-east-Kaziranga (in Hindi). Itwari Rajasthan Patrika,13 Jan,1991.
Pandey, Deep N. and S. Biswas. 1989. Ethnobotanical studies on wild edible plants of District Santa, Madhya Pradesh. Proceeding on National Seminar on Minor Forest produce and Tribal Development. Jabalpur: Institute of Deciduous Forests. 18-20th Oct,1989.
Pandey, Deep N. and Samar Singh 1995b. Traditions of sacred groves in Aravallis. Wastelands News (Hindi) April-June 1995. Pp. 3-6.
Pandey, Deep N. and Samar Singh. 1995a. Aravalli ke deovan. Rajasthan Patrika (Hindi) 21 May,1995.
Pandey, Deep N.1996e. Ethnoforestry. Prasashanika 23(2): 29-47
Pandey, Deep N. (in press) Ethics, Empowerment and Success: The Principle of Indispensable Virtues.
Ramakrishanan, P.S.1974. Ecology Teaching and Research in India‑Present problems and future needs. Acta. Bot. Indica 2: 1‑12.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1978. Approaches to studies on forest ecosystem function in the north‑eastern hill region. Environmental Physiology and Ecology of Plants (Ed.) D.N. Sen and R.P. Bansal. Dehra Dun: Bishen Singh and Mahendra Pal Singh. Pp.97‑ 108.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1978. Observations on biological aspects of productivity of forest ecosystems. Glimpses of Ecology (Ed.) J.S. Singh and B. Gopal. Jaipur: Internat. Sci. Publ, India. Pp. 196‑199.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky.1978. Preliminary observations on the impact of jhum (shifting agriculture) on the forested ecosystem. Resources, Development and Environment in the Himalayan Region. Dept. Sci. & Technol. Govt. of India, New Delhi. Pp.343‑354.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and U. Gupta. 1980. The effect of time of year on competitive ability of the closely related species of Argemone. Trop. Ecol. 21: 164‑ 173.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and C. Kanta. 1980. Comparative biology of two closely related species of Euphorbia‑ Competitive relationships. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. 88: 421‑427.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1980. Ecological impact of jhum (slash and burn agriculture)
on forested ecosystem of north‑eastern India. INSA Newsletter 60: 3‑7.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1981. Forest ecology as an aid in pollution control. Impact of the Development of Science and Technology on Environment (Ed.) A.K. Sharma and A. Sharma. Indian Sci. Congr. Assn., Calcutta. Pp.103‑106.
Ramakrishanan, P.S,. O.P. Toky and B.K. Mishra. 1981. Jhum‑an ecological assessment. Souvenir volume, Internat. Soc. Trop. Ecol. (Ed.) A. Singh and P. Wahi. Varanasi: Internat. Soc. Trop. Ecology. Pp.41‑49.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., O.P. Toky, B.K. Mishra and K.G. Saxena. 1981. Slash and burn agriculture in north‑eastern India. Fire Regime and Ecosystem Properties (Ed.) H.A. Mooney, T.M. Bonnicksen, N.K. Christensen, J.E. Lotan and W.A. Reiners. Washington, D.C.: USDA Gen. Tech Report WO‑26. Pp.570‑586.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1981. Cropping and yields in agricultural systems of the north‑ eastern hill region of India. Agro‑Ecosystems. 7: 11‑25.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1981. The economic yields and energy efficiency of hill agro‑ ecosystems at higher elevations of Meghalaya in north‑ eastern India. Acta. Oecologica‑Oecol. Applic 2: 369‑389.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1981. Soil nutrient status of hill agro‑ecosystems and recovery pattern after slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑ eastern India. Plant and Soil 60: 41‑64.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1981. Run‑off and infiltration losses related to shifting agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. Environmental Conservation 8: 313‑321.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., S.P.S. Kushwaha and R.S. Tripathi.1981. Population dynamics of Eupatorium odoratum in successional environment following slash and burn agriculture. J. Appl. Ecol. 18: 529‑535.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and K.G. Saxena. 1982. Reproductive efficiency of secondary successional herbaceous populations subsequent to slash and burn of subtropical humid forests in north‑eastern India. Proc. Indian Acad. V:F7 Sci. (Plant Sciences) 91: 61‑68.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1982. A comparative study of the energy budget of hill agroecosystems with emphasis on the slash and burn system (jhum) at lower elevations in north‑eastern India. Agricultural Systems 9: 143‑154.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1982. Role of bamboo (Dendrocalamus hamiltonii Nees and Arn.) in conservation of potassium during slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. J. Tree Sci. 1: 17‑26.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and B.K. Mishra. 1983. Slash and burn agriculture at higher elevations in north‑ eastern India. I. Sediment, water and nutrient losses. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 9: 69‑82.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and B.K. Mishra. 1983. Slash and burn agriculture at higher elevations in north‑ eastern India. II. Soil fertility regimes. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment 9: 83‑96.
Ramakrishanan, P.S.1983.. Sacred groves and their role in environmental conservation. Strategies for Environment, Souvenir volume, Lucknow: Department of Science and Environment, Govt. of U.P. Pp. 6‑8.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and K.G. Saxena. 1983. Growth and allocation strategies of some perennial weeds of slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. Can. J. Bot. 61: 1300‑1306.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1983. Some aspects of environmental degradation in north‑eastern hill areas of India. Studies in Eco‑Development‑ Himalayas, Mountain and Man (Ed.) T.V. Singh and J. Kaur. Lucknow: Print House. Pp.149‑156.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and K.G. Saxena. 1983. Growth resource allocation pattern and nutritional status of some dominant annual weeds of slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. Acta. Oecologica:Oecologia Plantarum 4: 323‑333.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and B.K. Mishra. 1983. Secondary succession subsequent to slash and burn agriculture at higher elevations in north‑eastern India. I. Species diversity, biomass and litter production. Acta. Oecologica:Oecol. Appl. 4: 97‑107.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and B.K. Mishra. 1983. Secondary succession subsequent to slash and burn agriculture at high elevations of north‑east India. II. Nutrient cycling. Acta Oecologica:Oecol. Applic. 4: 237‑ 245.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1983. Secondary succession following slash and burn agriculture in north‑eastern India. I. Biomass, litter-fall and productivity. J. Ecol. 71: 737‑745.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1983. Secondary succession following slash and burn agriculture in north‑eastern India. II. Nutrient cycling. J. Ecol. 71: 747‑ 57.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1983. Socio‑economic and cultural aspects of jhum in the north‑ east and options for eco‑development of tribal areas. Tribal techniques, social Organization and Development : Disruptions and Alternates. (Ed.) N.P. Chaubey. Allahabad: Indian Acad. Social Sciences. Pp.12‑30.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1984. Let the tribals decide what they want. Science Age 2: 8‑ 11.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1984. Problems and prospects of conservation of plant resources (Ed.) S.K. Jain and K.L. Mehra. Howarah: Botanical survey of India. Pp.172‑180.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and O.P. Toky. 1984. Litter decomposition related to secondary succession and species type under slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. Proc. Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. 50(B).
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1984. The science behind rotational bush‑fallow agriculture system (jhum). Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Plant Science) 93: 379‑400.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and K.G. Saxena. 1984. Herbaceous vegetation development and weed potential in slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. Weed Res. 24: 135‑142.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1984. The need to conserve silent valley and tropical rain‑forest ecosystems in India. Environ. Conserv. 11: 170‑171.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1985. Jhum cultivation‑prospects for developing countries. Science Technology and Development, ICSU‑COSTED 9: 1‑3.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1985. The Eucalyptus controversy ‑ a new angle. Science Age 2: 11‑13.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1985. Tribal man in the humid tropics of the north‑east. Man in India 65: 1‑32, (reprinted) Forest and Forest Development in India (Ed.) B. Chaudhuri and A.K. Maiti. New Delhi: Inter‑India Publication. Pp 57‑92.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1985. Conversion of rainforests in north‑eastern India. Environmental Regeneration in Himalaya : Concept and Strategies (Ed.) J.S. Singh. Nainital : Central Himalayan Environment Association. Pp.69‑84.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1987. Energy flows and shifting cultivation. Rural Energy Planning for the Indian Himalaya (Ed.) T.M. Vinod Kumar and D.K. Ahuja. New Delhi: Wiley Eastern. Pp. 247‑276.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and P.S. Swamy. 1987. Weed potential of Mikania micrantha H.B.K. and its control in secondary successional environment after shifting agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. Agric. Ecosyst. and Environ. 18: 195‑204.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1987. Management of biosphere reserves with people’s participation. Biosphere Reserves. New Delhi: Ministry of Environment and Forests. Pp. 220‑226.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1987. Shifting agriculture and rainforest ecosystem management. Biology International 15: 17‑18.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A.K. Gangwar 1987. Agriculture and animal husbandry among the Sulungs and the Nishis of Arunachal Pradesh. Social Action 37: 345‑372.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and K.S. Rao. 1987. Socio‑economic analysis of bamboo resources in east Khasi hills District of Meghalaya. Man in India 67: 221‑231.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and P.S. Swamy. 1987. Contribution of Mikania micrantha H.B.K. during secondary succession following slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑east India. I. Biomass, litterfall and productivity. Forest Ecol. Manage. 22: 229‑237.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and P.S. Swamy. 1987. Effect of fire on population dynamics of Mikania micrantha H.B.K. during early succession after slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. Weed Res. 27: 397‑404.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A.K. Gangwar. 1987. Cropping and yield patterns under different land use systems of the Khasis at higher elevations of Meghalaya in north‑ eastern India. Internat. J. Ecol. Environ. Sci. 13: 73‑86.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1988. Ecology of shifting agriculture. Environmental Pollution and its Impact on the Organism (Ed.) R.N. Trivedi. Patna: Bharti Bhawan. Pp.47‑83.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and P.S. Swamy. 1987. Ecological implications of traditional weeding and other imposed weeding regimes under slash and burn agriculture (jhum) in north‑eastern India. Weed Res. 28: 127‑136.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and K.S. Rao. 1988. Role of bamboos in secondary succession after slash and burn agriculture at lower elevations in north‑east India. Bamboos‑Current Research (Ed.) I.V. Ramanuja Rao, R. Gnanaharaw and C.B. Sastry. India: Kerala for Res. Inst. and Canada: Internat. Develop. Res. Centre. Pp. 59‑65.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1988. Ecology and management of jhum cultivation in the Himalayas. Souvenir Vol.III. Internat. Rangeland Congr., Range Manage. Soc. India, Indian Grassland and Fodder Research Inst., Jhansi, India. pp.26‑37,
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and K.C. Mishra. 1988. Earthworm population dynamics in different jhum fallows developed after slash and burn agriculture in north‑eastern India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Animal Science) 97: 309‑318.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and S.C. Ram. 1988. Litter production and decomposition patterns in seral grasslands of Cherrapunji in north‑eastern India. Pedobiologia 32: 65‑76.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1988. Forest farmer and ecosystem redevelopment in the Asian humid tropics.. Ecodevelopment Process for Degraded Land Resources in Southeast Asia (Ed.) S. Adisoemarto. Indonesia: Indonesian National Comm. MAB and UNSCO‑ROSTSA, Jakarta. Pp. 103‑118.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A.K. Gangwar. 1989. Cultivation and use of lesser‑known plants of food value by tribals in north‑east India. Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 25: 253‑267.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A. Kumar. 1989. Ecological implications of some cash crop ecosystems in north‑eastern India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Plant Science) 99: 221‑221.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1989. Socio‑cultural studies of the sacred groves at Cherrapunji and adjoining areas in north‑eastern India. Man in India 69: 64‑71.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A. Kumar. 1989. Village ecosystem function of tribal societies in north‑ eastern India with special reference to hill Miris of Arunachal Pradesh. Perspectives in Ecology (Ed.) J.S. Singh and B. Gopal. New Delhi: Jagmander Book Agency. Pp.353‑376.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A.K. Gangwar. 1989. Ecosystem function in a Khasi village of the desertified Cherrapunji area in north‑east India. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Plant Science) 99: 199‑210.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1988. Successional theory: Implication for weed management in shifting agriculture, mixed cropping and agroforestry systems. Weed Management in Agroecosystems: Ecological V:F7 Approaches. (Ed.) M.A. Altieri and M. Liebman. Florida: CRC Press, Boca Raton. Pp.183‑196.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and S. Patnaik. 1989. Comparative study of energy flow through village ecosystems of two co‑existing communities (the Khasi and the Nepalis) of Meghalaya in north‑east India. Agricultural Systems 30: 245‑267.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1989. Agricultural systems of the north‑eastern hill region of India. Agroecology: Researching the Ecological Basis for Sustainable Agriculture (Ed.) S.R. Gliessman. New York: Springer‑ Verlag. Pp. 251‑274.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1989. Conservation strategies ‑ an agro‑ecologists view point. Plant Science Research in India (Ed.) M.L. Trivedi, B.S. Gill and S.S. Saini. New Delhi: Today and Tommarow’s Publ. Pp.23‑38.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and R. Maikhuri. 1990. Ecological analysis of a cluster villages emphasizing land use of different tribes in Meghalaya in north‑east India. Agric. Ecosys. Environ. 31: 17‑27.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A.K. Gangwar. 1990. Ethnobiological notes on some tribes of Arunachal Pradesh, North Eastern India. Eco. Bot. 44: 94‑105.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. Presidential address: Restoration of rainforest ecosystem in north‑east India; Nutrient cycling patterns during forest succession in north‑eastern India ; and Shifting agriculture and rainforest ecosystem management. K.K. N. Nair; K.V. Bhat, J.K. Sharma and K. Swarupanandan (Eds.) pp V, 1, 26,41‑43. Kerala Forest Res. Inst., Peechi, India.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., K.S. Rao and K.G. Saxena. 1990. Architectural plasticity of bamboos and its significance in the succession. Bamboo Journal 8: 92‑99.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A. Kumar. 1990. Energy Flow Through an Apatani Village Ecosystem of Arunchal Pradesh in Northeast India. Human Ecology 18: 315‑336.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and R. Maikhuri. 1991. Comparative analysis of the village ecosystem function of different tribes living in the same area in Arunachal Pradesh in north‑eastern India. Agric. Systems 35: 377‑ 399.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1991. Rainforest ecosystem function and its management in north‑ east India. Rain Forest Regeneration and Management (Ed.) A. Gomez‑Pompa, T.C. Whitmore and M. Hadley. U.K.: UNESCO, Paris and Parthenon Publ., Carnforth, Lancs. Pp.323‑334.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1991. Ecology and sustainable development ‑Striking a balance. The Hindu‑Survey of the Environment –1991. Madras: Kasturi and Sons Ltd. Pp.148‑151.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., B.P. Kothyari, K.S. Rao, K.G. Saxena and T. Kumar. 1991. Institutional approaches in development and transfer of water‑harvest technology in the Himalaya. Advances in Water Resources Technology (Ed.) G. Tsakiris. Holland: A.A. Balkerma, Rotterdam. Pp. 673‑678.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1991. The Sustainable biosphere initiative for India and other developing countries. Sustainable Development 1: 40‑47.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., B.J. Huntley, E. Ezcurra, E. R. Fuentes, K. Fugii, P.J. Grubb, W. Haber, J.R.E. Harger, M.M. Holland, S.A. Levin, J. Lubchenco, H.A. Mooney, V. Neronov, I. H.R. Pulliam Noble, P.G. Risser, O. Sala, J. Sarukhan, and W.G. Sombrock, 1991. A sustainable biosphere : The global imperative. Ecology International 20: 1 ‑ 14.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1992. Ecology, environmental and sustainable development. Economic Development and Environment : A Case Study of India (Ed.) K.C. Ray, C.A. Tisdell and R.K. Sen. Delhi: Oxford University Press. Pp 42 – 70.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., K.S. Rao, B.P. Kothyari, R.K. Maikhuri and K.G. Saxena. 1992. Deforestation in Himalaya: causes, consequences and restoration. In Restoration of Degraded Land : Concepts and Strategies (Ed.) J.S. Singh. Meerut: Rastogi Publ., India. Pp.271‑289.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and S. Patnaik.1992. Jhum : slash and burn cultivation. India International Centre Quarterly 19: 215‑220, Also In Indigenous Vision Peoples of India Altitudes to the Environment (Ed.) Geeti Sen. New Delhi: Sage Publ.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and A.K. Gangwar. 1992. Agriculture and animal husbandry among the Sulumgs and Nishis of Arunachal Pradesh. National Development and Tribal Deprivation (Ed.) W. Fernandes. New Delhi: Indian Social Institute.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1992. International sustainable biosphere initiative: an ecological research agenda for the Himalaya. In Himalayan Environment and Development : Problems and Perspectives (Ed.) G.B. Pant Inst. of Himalayan Environ. and Develop., Kosi, Almora, Himavikas V: F7 Occassional Publ. No. 1. Nainital: Gynodaya Prakashan. Pp. 145‑154.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1992. Ecology of shifting agriculture and ecosystem restoration. In Ecosystem Rehabilitation: Ecosystem Analysis and Synthesis (Ed.) M.K. Wali. Netherlands: The Hague . Pp (2): 19‑35.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1992. Tropical forests : exploitation , conservation and management. In special issue on Environment and Development. Impact (UNESCO) 42 (166): 149‑162.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1992. International sustainable biosphere initiative : a participatory research agenda for India. Current Sci.63: 127‑131.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1992. Shifting agriculture and sustainable development : a case study from North‑Eastern India. In Man and Biosphere. U.K.: UNESCO, Paris and Parthenon Publishing, Caernforth, Lancs. (Republished by New Delhi: OXford Univ. Press) Pp. 424.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1992. Jhum: is there a way out? In The Price of Forests: Proc. Seminar on Economics of the Sustainable use of Forest Resources (Ed.) A. Agarwal. New Delhi: Centre for Sciences and Environment. Pp. 304‑310.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1993. Shifting agriculture (jhum) and development of the north‑ eastern region. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., India 63(B): 13‑35.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and R.S. Kiewtam. Litter and fine root dynamics of relict sacred grove forest of Cherrapunji in north‑eastern India. Forest Ecol. Manage. 60: 327 ‑ 344. 1993.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1993. Traditional society in the Himalaya and their sustainable development. Continuity and Change in Tribal Society (Ed.) M. Miri. Shimla: Indian Inst. Advanced Study, India. Pp. 314 ‑322.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1993. In defence of shifting agriculture: an interview. Down to Earth 2(12): 50 –51.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1993. Sustainable rural development and weaker sections of the society ‑ where do we stand? Special Issue on ‘Towards Sustainable Development of Society ‑ Imperatives and Perspectives Indian J. Public Admin. 34: 488 ‑497,
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1993. Agroforestry systems studies in India. Agroforestry in South Asia: Problems and Applied Research Perspectives (Ed.)W.R. Bentley, P.K. Khosla and K. Seckler. New Delhi: Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. Pp.151‑163.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1993. Evaluating sustainable development with people’s participation. Proceedings of the Internaional Symposium. Sustainability ‑ Where Do We Stand? (Ed.)F. Franz Moser. Austria: Technische Universitat Graz. Pp.165‑182.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1994. Tradition, technology and social processes. Health for the Millions 2 (2): 24‑26.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., Campbell, J., Demierre, L., Gyi, A., Malhotra, K.C., Mehndiratta, S., Rai, S.N., and Sashidharan, E.M. 1994. In Ecosystem rehabilitation of the rural landscape in South and Central Asia: an analysis of issues. Special Publication (Ed.) M.Hadley. New Delhi: UNESCO (ROSTCA). Pp. 29.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1994. Protesting progress: not a tribal tune. Ecodecision 13: 90 –93.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1993. Science and its shortcomings in environmental management: the social angle. Surviving with the Biosphere (Ed.) N. Polunin and J. Burnett. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Univ. Press. Pp. 209‑232.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1994. The jhum agroecosystem in north‑eastern India: a case study of the biological management of soils in a shifting agricultural system. The Management of Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (Ed.) P.L. Woomer and M.J. Swift. Exeter: TSBF, Nairobi and Wiley‑Sayce Publ., U.K. Pp. 189‑207.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1994. Reconciling ecology and forest management with tribal development in Eastern Himalaya. Himalayan Ecosystem (Ed.) D.N.Tewari. Dehra Dun: International Book Distributors. Pp. 287‑302.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1994. Participatory development in managing population pressure on natural resources. Growing Numbers and Dwindling Resources (Ed.) R. Krishnan. New Delhi: Tata Energy Research Inst. Pp. 86‑96.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1994. Rural ecosystems and Gandhian concepts. Gandhian in Action 1: 113‑116.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., A.N. Purohit, K.G. Saxena and K.S. Rao. 1994. Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development. New Delhi: Indian Nat. Sci. Acad. Pp. 84.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1994. Rehablitation of degraded lands in India: ecological and social dimensions. J. Trop. Forest Science 7: 39‑63.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1994. Perturbations, forest ecosystem function and sustainability. Forest Resources and Wood Based Biomass Energy as Rural Development Assets (Ed.) W.R. Bentley and M.M. Gowen. New Delhi: Winrock International and Oxford and IBH Publ. Pp.247‑260.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. and K.G. Saxena. 1996. Indigenous approaches to biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. Changing Perspectives of Biodiversity Conservation (Ed.) G.S. Gujral and V. Sharma. New Delhi: The British Council.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1995. Sustainable development of tribal societies; ecological, economic, social and cultural inter‑connections. Science, Technology and Quality of Life (Ed.) R. Prasad. Aadhar, Agra. Pp.135‑149.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1995. Shifting cultivation. Encyclopedia of Environmental Biology. New York: Academic Press. Pp. 325‑330.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1996. Ecological functions of biodiversity: the human dimension. Biodiversity, Science and Development (Ed.) F. di Castri and T. Younes. Oxford: CAB International. Pp.114‑129.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1996. Managing biodiversity for sustainable development. Conserving Biodiversity for Sustainable Development (Ed.) P.S Ramakrishnan, A.K. Das and K.G. Saxena. New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy. Pp. 219‑241.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., A.K. Das and K.G. Saxena. 1996. Managing Biodiversity for Sustainable Development. New Delhi: Indian National Science Academy. Pp. 246.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1996. Human dimension to global change: the Indian context. Science and Culture 62: 27‑33.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1996. Unity in diversity. Ecodecision 23: 56‑60.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1997. Scientific basis for traditional wet rice cultivation by north‑east Indian hill tribes. Trends in Agrarian Structure in the Hills of North‑East India (Ed.) M.C. Behera and N.C. Roy. New Delhi: Commonwealth Publ. Pp. 233‑ 247.
Ramakrishanan, P.S. 1998. Ecology, economics and ethics: some key issues relevant to natural resource management in developing countries. International Journal of Social Economics 25: 207‑225.
Ramakrishanan, P.S., K.G. Saxena and U.M. Chandrashekara. 1998. Conserving the Sacred: For Biodiversity Management. New Delhi: UNESCO and Oxford & IBH. Pp. 480.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1998.Tribal societies of north‑eastern India: Ecology, economy, society and culture. Anitiquity to Modernity in Tribal India. Vol. I. S.C. Dube. (Ed.) ICSSR & Inter India Publ. New Delhi. Pp. 110‑24
Ramakrishnan, P.S.1998. Ecology and traditional wisdom. The Cultural Dimensions of Ecology: (Ed.) B. Saraswati. New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts & D.K. Printworld. Pp. 73‑91
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1998. Sacred Grove – Our Tradition: Plea For Gandhian Ecology. Vol. 4 & 5.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1999. Ecological and human dimensions of ‘global change’ research. (Ed.). M. Price Global Change in the Mountains. Pp.176-179.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1999. Conclusions and recommendations. In: Global Change in the Mountains. M. Price (Ed.). pp.pp xvii-xxxi. Parthenon Publ., Carnforth, Lancs., U.K. Parthenon Publ., Carnforth, Lancs., U.K. 1999. (with Price, M., Becker, A., Bernard, D., Bjonness, I-M., Collins, D., Corominas, J., Gardner, R., Gillet, F., Grabherr, G., Hill, W., Kalvoda, J.,Thompson, D., Winiger, M., and Zimmermann, F.)
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1999. Ecology in developing countries: The emerging paradigms. Proc. Indian National Science Acad.( 65) B: Pp. 51-82.
Ramakrishnan, P.S.1999. Ecology teaching in India. In: Biodiversity, Taxonomy and Ecology. R.K. Tandon and P. Singh. (Eds.).. Scientific Publ., Jodhpur, India Pp. 249-260
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1999. The impact of globalisation on agricultural systems of traditional societies. In: A.K. Dragun and C. Tisdell (Eds.). Sustainable Agriculture and Environment: Globalization and the Impact of Trade Liberalisation. pp. 185-200. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, U.K., 1999.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1999. Water harvesting systems and rehabilitation ecology with special reference to the Himalaya. In: Talebbeydokhti, N., Telvari, A. and Heydarian, S.A. (Eds.). Traditionl Water Harvesting Systems – Proceedings UNESCO Regional Workshop. pp. 71-90. Dep. of Watershed Management, Ministry of Jihad-e-Sazandegi, Tehran, Iran. 1999.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. Integration of humans in biodiversity science: A new paradigm in ecosystem complexity. 1999. The Botanica 49: 1-8, 2000
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2000. Mountain Biodiversity, Land Use Dynamics and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. UNESCO and Oxford & IBH Publ., New Delhi (in press). (with)Chandrashekara, U.M., Elouard, C., Guilmoto, C.Z., Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S., Sankar, S. and Saxena, K.G. (Eds.). 2000.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2000. Biodiversity, land use and traditional ecological knowledge: The context. In: Mountain Biodiversity, Land Use Dynamics and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. UNESCO and Oxford & IBH Publ., New Delhi (in press). (with)Chandrashekara, U.M., Elouard, C., Guilmoto, C.Z., Maikhuri, R.K., Rao, K.S., Sankar, S. and Saxena, K.G. (Eds.). 2000.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2000. Man and Nature: Indigenous wisdom. Humanscape. 8: 5-10, 2000
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 1998. Contributionof ethnic diversity to the evolution of diverse coexisting mountain agroecosystems: A study of the north-east Indian Himalayan region. In: Pratap, T. and Sthapit, B. (Eds.). Managing Agrobiodiversity in the Hindu-Khush Himalayan Region. ICIMOD, Kathmandu,Nepal. pp. 33-40. 1998.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2000. Biodiversity and land use related global change: Ecological, social, economic and cultural interconnections. In: IGBP in India 2000: A Status Report on Projects. pp. 463-485. Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. 2000.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2001. Ecological threads in the sacred fabric. In: The Human Landscape. IIC Quarterly, 28: 109-122. 2001.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2001. Ecosystem complexity and indicators of sustainable development. In: Gupta, A.K. (Ed.) Criteria and Indicators of Sustainability in Rural Development: A Natural Resource Perspective. pp. 109-129. UNESCO and Oxford & IBH, New Delhi. 2001.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2001. Towards innovation in ecology: validating traditional ecological knowledge for biodiversity conservation and utilization. In: Das, M.R., Jayakumar, M., Premachandran, P.N., Suresh Babu, N., Biju Kumar, A. (Eds.) Developing the Spirit of Innovation. State Committee on Science, Technology and Environment, Govt. of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, India.
Ramakrishnan, P.S. 2001. Population and land use in India, Chaina and the United States: Context, observations, and findings – Introduction to the Tri-Academy project. In: Wolman, M. G., Ramakrishnan, P.S., George, P. S., Kulkarni, S., Vashishtha, P. S., Shidong, Z., Qiguo, Z., Yi, Z., Long J. F., Rosenzweig, C., Solecki, W. D. (Eds.)Growing Populations, Changing Landscapes: Studies From India, China And The United States. (Indian National Science Academy, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Publication), pp.11-22.
Symbols –
G – general | N – navigation | Bed – edible plants |
M – metallurgy | We – weather prediction | Bet – ethnobotany |
Ag – agriculture | F – folk lore | Sp – shipbuilding |
A – archaeology | Md – medicine | Eco – ecology |
W – water harvesting | H – hunting fishing | B – botany |
Sli – silvi cultural | Ee – ethnoecoology | E – forest ecology |
We have to arrange the bibliogrphy under the following categories.
a – global tks
b – indian contributions to global science and technology
c – tks on metallurgy
d – tks on ship building
e – tks on civil architecture and engineering
f – tks on forestry and ecology
g – tks on water technology
h – tks on navigation systems
i – tks on agriculture and weather prediction
Ecology Bibliography
Eco/ Comparative analysis of the village ecosystem function of different tribes living in the same area in Arunachal Pradesh in north‑eastern India. Agric. Systems, 35: 377‑ 399, 1991 (with R. Maikhuri).
Eco/ Cultural and spiritual dimensions of ecology. Gandhians in Action . (in press).
Eco/ Rabinow, Paul . 1979. Ecology, Meaning and Religion. Richmond, Virginia: North Atlantic Books.
Eco/ Reichel- Dolmatoff, Gerardo. 1976. Cosmology as ecological analysis. A view from the rain forest. Man 11 (3): 307-318.
Fco/ Rural ecosystems and Gandhian concepts. Gandhian in Action. 1: 113‑116. 1994.
Eco/ Ramkrishnan, P.S. 1978. Approaches to studies on forest ecosystem function in the north‑eastern hill region. In Environmental Physiology and Ecology of Plants (Ed.) D.N. Sen and R.P. Bansal. Dehra Dun. Pp.97‑ 108.
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Eco/ Ramkrishnan, P.S. 1982. Structure and function of a sub‑tropical humid forest of Meghalaya. Litter, dynamics and nutrient cycling. Indian Acad. Sci. (Plant Sciences). 91: 255‑268.
Eco/ Ramkrishnan, P.S. 1982. Forest wealth of north‑eastern India and its conservation. In The Vegetational Wealth of the Himalayas (Ed.) G.S. Paliwal. Delhi: Puja Publ. Pp. 422‑432.
Eco/ Cultural and spiritual dimensions of ecology. Gandhians in Action . (in press).
Eco/ Kwagley, A. Oscar. 1995. Yupiaq worldview- A pathway to ecology and spirit. Prospect Heights. Illinois: Waveland Press.
Fco/ Rabinow, Paul . 1979. Ecology, Meaning and Religion. Richmond. Virginia: North Atlantic Books.
Eco/ Reichel- Dolmatoff, Gerardo. 1976. Cosmology as ecological analysis. A view from the rain forest. Man. 11 (3): 307-318.
Eco/ Maikhuri., R. 1991.Comparative analysis of the village ecosystem function of different tribes living in the same area in Arunachal Pradesh in north‑eastern India. Agric. Systems. 35: 377‑ 399.
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Eco/ 1994. Rural ecosystems and Gandhian concepts. Gandhian in Action. 1: 113‑116.